Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lights dim when any electrical appliance is used?

The lights in our house dim whenever an electrical appliance is switched on. This is particularly noticeable when the electric shower (9kw) is used, resulting for example in the microwave loosing at least half its power if being run at the same time as the shower.|||There is a possibility that you need to tighten the terminal screws where your feeders enter your circuit breaker panel. If you have a resistance at this point, it will drop the voltage substantially at that point of resistance when a relatively large load comes on the line..

This must be done by an electrician because there is normally no disconnect ahead of this connection point, at least not in the US.|||Roy, I assume you are a UK resident. You do not say if you are in town or rural so it is difficult to state the exact cause. As the voltage drop affects the lights when the shower is on I must assume that the voltage drop is in the supply conductors to the house. If these belong to the utility then they may need to replace them as the maximum voltage drop permitted in the UK is 10% + or - 230V. If you are supplied on a sub main cable not owned by the utility, this will need to be made larger. Consult an electrician.|||consuming electricity.

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