Sunday, September 18, 2011

Electricians: What device can measure the electricity used by an appliance?

I am thinking there is a device you can plug in between an appliance and the electrical outlet that will measure the amount of current, and I need to know its name so I can buy one. (This is business-related.) What with TV, the refrigerator, and computers, etc., all drawing a certain amount of current, I couldn't get an accurate result by just noting down the numbers on the electric meter, turning on the appliance, and then subtracting those numbers from the ones on the meter right after I turn off the appliance.|||You want what is commonly called a "wattmeter".

A web search will provide you with several products.|||Kill A Watt is an electricity usage monitor for a single appliance marketed by P3 International.|||If you want to measure current, you need an ammeter. If you want to measure watts or current the Kill a Watt is a good choice.|||with an ammeter, most multi meters have one. or something like this鈥?/a>|||Put your finger between the wires and find out! :)

Jk, don't try that. Buy a multimeter. Remember Ohm's Law! V = I * R.

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