Sunday, September 18, 2011

What is a good idea for a new cooking appliance?

For my cooking class I have to come up with a new cooking appliance that doesn't exist yet but everything seems to have been invented already. What should I make?|||Maybe you could invent something that seasons food. For example, the top of the appliance would have containers (to hold the seasonings you want). You would add the seasonings you want on your food into the containers to the set 'fill line' on the container. Next you would open the appliance and add your food. In this example, we can say hamburgers. So you put the hamburger(s) on the little flat surface/plate on the inside of the appliance. Next you would close the appliance top and seal it tight with the lock on the front. Now, there would be buttons next to each container on the top. Let's say there would be six containers on the top. There would be a small screen and an up arrow button and a down arrow button by each container. Here you would pick in which order the seasonings went on the food. So since there were six containers there would be the numbers 1-6. So if you wanted the Nature's Seasonings to go on *second* you would use the arrows until you got to the number 2. The you would look at the main screen on the front after you picked the order for each seasoning. It would be touch for easier usage. There would be 2 buttons: one saying START and the next saying OPTIONS. In the options menu you would have the choice simply between if you would like both sides seasoned or just the top side of the food. If you select both sides it would flip the food in the appliance to season both sides, if you select the top side only, it would only season the top side of the food. Let's say we picked both sides, then we would go back to the main menu and click START. You would then here a soft 'buzz' noise and then a quick 'ding'! The appliance would auto-unlock and when you opened it your food would be evenly seasoned on both sides (or just one depending on the option you picked)!

What would you name it, though? Well - uh - I don't know! You can come up with that one. (:

LOL. I don't know. I have crazy ideas. Good luck with your project!|||I've a brilliant idea but it sounds a bit out there initially so be patient, my idea is a vibrating handle, it's rechargeable and has a control to adjust vibration amplitude, so what use is a vibrating handle...

Put a serrated knife attachment in, set to low amplitude and you can cut through fragile foods like like meringue without it shattering into bits as it would if you used a conventional knife or power knife with a reciprocal blade .

Click in the sieve attachment, set amplitude to high and you have a power sieve for ingredients like flour and chocolate powder, turn down the vibration amplitude and you can put an even dusting og coco/icing sugar on cakes and hot drinks.

Plug in the prong attachment, turn up the vibration amplitude and you've the perfect tool to make unique designs on iced cakes.

The possibilities are endless, when not being used the handel sits in it's recharger unit which also holds all the attachments you buy for the unit, nothing like it in the shops.

Hope it helps.|||Hmmm...... Oh! I know! You should make a automatic baked potato maker! After you bake it, it would work like this:



All your toppings would go into the o wich is attached to the v and the v would go into the potato and both sides of the v would open, letting the toppings fallinto the potato.

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