Sunday, September 18, 2011

How long does it take to get used to the herbst appliance?

I just got this appliance yesterday for my braces and my mouth can't chew anything, not even soft food. All I do, is slurp noodles. It is uncomfortable, and keeps hurting my tongue, when will I be able to chew again???|||Just give yourself some time to get use to it, a least a few days. Try to eat more than just noodles. How about a stuffed baked potato, creamed soup, scrambled eggs, pancakes....just to mention a few soft things off the top of my head. I know it's uncomfortable, but try not to play with it and keep your tongue off of it before you make it sore too. Ask your mom or dad if you can have some Motrin or Advil for the pain for a few days. It usually helps for temporary relief. Just keep in mind the long term goal of having beautiful, perfect teeth and a fantastic smile! Good luck

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